Generale 8
Billing Extension 36
Apply Tax on Credit for Add Funds Invoices in WHMCS
Automatic Payments, Overpayments and Credit in WHMCS
Cash Flow for WHMCS - Track Accounts Payable and Receivable
Charge Payment Gateway Fees to Customers
Customer Retention & Churn Rate Analytics for WHMCS
Fatturazione Elettronica WHMCS Trasmissione XML SdI AdE
Historical Currency Rates for Invoice Snapshot in WHMCS
Installazione Billing Extension
Low Balance Alert & Credit Balance in WHMCS Client Area
Overpayments with WHMCS and PayPal
Prevent Invoice Issuing for Fraudulent Orders in WHMCS
Prevent Invoice Issuing for Zero Value Invoices in WHMCS
Transaction History & Credit Usage in WHMCS Client Area
Updating Invoice Data Snapshot from WHMCS Administration
Commission Manager 3
Mercury 8
Payments Bundle 2
Dal Blog
Ultime notizie
Generale 8
Billing Extension 36
Apply Tax on Credit for Add Funds Invoices in WHMCS
Automatic Payments, Overpayments and Credit in WHMCS
Cash Flow for WHMCS - Track Accounts Payable and Receivable
Charge Payment Gateway Fees to Customers
Customer Retention & Churn Rate Analytics for WHMCS
Fatturazione Elettronica WHMCS Trasmissione XML SdI AdE
Historical Currency Rates for Invoice Snapshot in WHMCS
Installazione Billing Extension
Low Balance Alert & Credit Balance in WHMCS Client Area
Overpayments with WHMCS and PayPal
Prevent Invoice Issuing for Fraudulent Orders in WHMCS
Prevent Invoice Issuing for Zero Value Invoices in WHMCS
Transaction History & Credit Usage in WHMCS Client Area
Updating Invoice Data Snapshot from WHMCS Administration
Commission Manager 3
Mercury 8
Payments Bundle 2
Barra dei cookie
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La barra dei cookie è una parte essenziale di ogni sito web. WHMCS purtroppo non si occupa di questa necessità, per questo motivo siamo sicuri che apprezzerete la nostra soluzione. In Billing Extension abbiamo implementato la nostra barra dei cookie pensata per essere personalizzabile facilmente dall'interfaccia, totalmente responsiva e con supporto multilingua.
I seguenti elementi della barra dei cookie sono personalizzabili in modo semplice dall'interfaccia:
- URL politica sui cookie
- Frequenza di visualizzazione (in giorni)
- Accettazione automatica (abilitata/disabilitata) al cambio pagina
- Posizione della barra dei cookie (top, bottom, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right)
- Colore del testo (color picker)
- Colore di sfondo (color picker)
- Spessore del bordo (in pixel)
- Colore del bordo (color picker)
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